University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lozier Center for Pharmacy Sciences and Education & Center for Drug Discovery

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lozier Center for Pharmacy Sciences and Education & Center for Drug Discovery

Clark & Enersen worked closely with the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Pharmacy to design and build a new three-level facility to host UNMC’s Lozier Center for Pharmacy Sciences and Education and its Center for Drug Discovery. The project aimed at dramatically increasing capacity for the areas of Drug Discovery and Development, Drug Delivery, and Clinical and Translational Research.

The building is connected to the Sorrell Center for Health Science Education via enclosed walkway and consists of several educational spaces that are ready to accommodate advanced technologies and teaching methods. Interaction and study areas also enable student collaboration and learning.

The facility is home to several new simulation spaces as well, including:

  • A contemporary model pharmacy.
  • Sterile compounding room.
  • Practice areas for patient assessment and point-of-care testing.

UNMC researchers perform critical work within this building, finding breakthroughs in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and food-borne illnesses. Other focus areas include traumatic brain injury, cancer treatment, pharmacogenetics, and nanomedicine.

Stats and Results
Location Omaha, Nebraska
Square Feet 85,490

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