University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Athletics Hall of Fame

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Athletics Hall of Fame

Clark & Enersen was selected to design the Athletics Hall of Fame, which is located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus and acts as an entry gateway to the northwest corner of Memorial Stadium. Completed in 2015, the Athletics Hall of Fame honors all Husker athletes—past, present, and future.

Large, imposing columns highlight the architectural theme of the plaza by illustrating the dominance of Husker athletics through the years, with each one representing a current or past athletic program, with granite panels denoting its history, milestones, and championships. There are also additional columns to accommodate future program growth. The columns complement the entryway arches to form a beautiful, unique, and inspiring outdoor space that doubles as a major pedestrian route on campus.

Granite panels recognize award recipients of individual Athletics Hall of Fame classes. The inspiration for the design comes from the athletes themselves, who are the continuum that not only form individual athletic teams, but also the greater Husker athletic community.

The Athletics Hall of Fame integrates seamlessly into the Memorial Mall environment, with landscaping and lighting features that complement those found near Memorial Stadium, the Coliseum, Morrill Hall, and other surrounding buildings. It also incorporates pre-cast concrete and masonry columns, concrete unit pavement, and granite bench sitting that are not only durable and long lasting, but also embody the long-standing pride and support in Nebraska’s strong athletic tradition.

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Location Lincoln, Nebraska

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