
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Industry Education Center and Veterinary Tech Expansion

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Industry Education Center and Veterinary Tech Expansion

Plastic Companies Enterprises, Office and Warehouse

Winfield Public Library, Study and Renovation

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior

Lancaster County Event Center Master Plan and Improvements

Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer Branch Library Renovation and Addition

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Eppley Cancer Institute Renovation

Fallbrook Planned Community, Brookside Apartments

Nucor, Steel Detailing Center

Frontier Farm Credit, Administration Office

Exeter-Milligan Public Schools, Community Fitness Center, Commons, and Classroom Expansion and Renovations

Lincoln Christian School, Improvements

Lincoln Public Schools, Kloefkorn Elementary School

District OR-1, Palmyra High School Renovation and Addition

Pleasanton Public Schools, Addition and Renovation

City of Shawnee, City Hall Space Programming

City of Prairie Village, Public Works New Building

Lancaster County, Courtroom

Johnson County, Courthouse

Johnson County, Broadcast Meeting Room