First Nebraska Administrative Building Remodel (FNAB 1526 Building Remodel)

Pre-Bid Date: February 9, 2023 10:00 am
Bid Date: March 3, 2023 11:00 am

Project Information

The Work of the Project involves all construction indicated on the drawings and specifications, included but not limited to the following:  Re-roof building, renovation of lower level and first level restrooms, replacement of exterior ADA ramps and stairs, and replacement of exterior patio topping at 1526 K Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Bid Submittal and Opening

Sealed proposals for furnishing all plant, equipment, transportation, tools, materials, labor and skills necessary and incidental to perform all work described in the Proposed Contract Documents entitled project

FNAB 1526 Building Remodel St. Lincoln Ne 68508

will be received at the First Nebraska Administrative Building.

Bid Date:  March 3, 2023
Bid Time:  11:00am, local time — Any bids received after the closing time will be returned unopened.
Location:  1526 K Street, Suite 170, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Faxed or Electronic Bids:  Not Allowed

Bids will be thereafter publicly opened and read aloud.

All bids shall be made on the printed forms attached to and made part of the Proposed Contract Documents.

Bids mailed to this office shall be addressed to:

Matt Shaw
State Building Division
1526 K Street, Suite 170
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Bids Delivered in person shall be delivered to:

Matt Shaw
State Building Division
1526 K Street, Suite 170
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Each bidder must submit with the bid a certified or cashiers’ check or bid bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the bid.

The character and amount of security to be submitted by the contractor for the performance of the contract is stated in the Proposed Contract Documents.

Bidders may not withdraw their bids for a period of at least Sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of the bids.

The State of Nebraska, DAS/State Building Division reserves the right to reject any or all bids and re-advertise for Bids; and further reserves the right to waive any informality or irregularity.

Pre-Bid Meeting

A Prebid walk-through for all bidders will be held at the site (1526 K Street) at 10:00 AM local time on February 9, 2023.

Bidders’ Questions:  If you have any questions, contact Matt Glawatz at Clark & Enersen at 402-477-9291.

Bidding Documents and Bid Instructions

Proposed Contract Documents have been prepared by Clark & Enersen and complete digital project bidding documents may be obtained by emailing Only complete sets of documents will be issued.  In order to bid the project, the Contract Documents must be issued directly by Clark & Enersen to the bidder.

Viewing Procurement and Contracting Documents. Examine at the locations below:

  • Lincoln Builder’s Bureau, 5910 South 58th Street, Lincoln, NE 68516
  • Omaha Builder’s Exchange, 4159 South 94th, Omaha, NE 68127