The Clark & Enersen civil engineering team’s experience includes land entitlements (annexation, zoning, permitting); grading; storm water management; site utilities; paving; and more. Our team works directly with clients, developers, and other architects to provide a number of different services. They also work in collaboration with our firms’ architecture, landscape architecture, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering staff on a daily basis.

We have found that close teamwork between our civil engineering and site design staff leads to greater efficiencies and more creative, successful design solutions. This helps us better serve our clients for new commercial, corporate, and residential developments as well as for landscape architecture and architecturally driven projects.

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South Dakota State University and South Dakota Mines, POET Bioproducts Institute

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City of Lincoln, Haymarket South Streetscape and Parking Plan and Design

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Love Library North Landscape Improvements

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